A1. Medical personnel
General practitioner Puskesmas is the number of general practitioners who practice in Puskesmas , Puskesmas Aides in the area concerned as well as private physicians practicing in whole District / City.
Midwife Puskesmas is the number of midwives who practice in Puskesmas and Puskesmas Aide in the whole area of District / City concerned.
The village midwife is the number of midwives which are placed around the village (District / City) that there has been no Dinas Kesehatan (Health Agency) facilities, and responsible directly to the head of the Puskesmas.
The nurse is the number of nurses who work in Puskesmas and Puskesmas aides in District / City concerned.
Mantri (usually male nurse) is the number of nurses or seek medical officers rather than doctors who are working to replace the role of doctors in Puskesmas and Puskesmas aides in the District / City concerned.
B. Pregnant/Birthing
R 16-21.:
The number of pregnant women is the number of pregnant women in the area of coverage of the Dinas Kesehatan (Health Agency) concerned.
The number of new visits of pregnant women (K1 Pure) is the number of expectant mothers who make a visit for the first time during her first trimester pregnancy at Puskesmas for the District / City concerned.
The number of visits of pregnant women (K4 40) is the number of expectant mothers who make contact at least 4 times during the pregnancy to get service-natal at Puskesmas , comprising at least one time of contacts on first trimester, one time at second trimester and twice in the third trimester.
The number of Neonatal Visits (KN1) is the number of moms who make contact with professionals in neonatal age 0-7 days.
Neonatal visits (KN) is in contact with health workers at minimum of two times to get service and good neonatal health checks in the building of Puskesmas and Puskesmas Aide outside the building (including midwives and polindes village, home visits).
The number of visits Noenatal complete (KN) is already doing KN1 and KN2 nationally. But if there are Puskesmas in KN3-Puskesmas that reported to the Dinas Kesehatan (Health Agency), then Complete KN is KN1, KN2 and KN3 has conducted.
The amount of Deliveries that helped by health workers (doctors/midwives) was the abundance of deliveries that helped by health workers (doctors/midwives), not by the shaman and so on.
C. Baby
The details of the 22 -28:
The number of babies are babies who were in the area of Dinas Kesehatan (Health Agency) coverage concerned.
The number of Infants from 0-11 months is the number of babies aged 0-11 months.
The number of Babies born weight less than 2500 grams is the number of babies born with weight less than 2500 grams.
Number of infants (0-11 months) with KMS (K) is the number of infants from 0-11 months who have a KMS.
KMS/Card Toward Healthy is a simple tool used to record and monitor the health and growth of the child. It also contains important notes about the individual identity of the toddler, immunization and provision of vitamin A capsules. KMS also contains message recommendation for health and nutrition like things related to immunization, prevention and tackling diarrhea, exclusive breast feeding and complementary feeding of breast milking.
Number of infants (0-11 months) who weighed in (D) is the number of infants from 0-11 months being weighed.
Number of infants (0-11 months) Up weight (N) is the number of infants from 0-11 months, which weighed two (2) consecutive months his weight go up and follow the line growth at KMS.
Number of infants (0-11 months) who received high-dose Vitamin A is the number of babies aged 6-11 months old who received high doses of Vitamin A in the Puskesmas.
Number of infants (0-11 months) are already getting standard immunization/UCI is the number of infants from 0-11 a month get a complete immunization.
Standard immunization/UCI is a complete immunization vaccination include BCG, DPT (3 times), Polio (4 times), Hepatitis B (3 times) and Measles immunization (1 time), which is implemented through the Ministry's routine Posyandu and other healthcare facilities.
D. Toddler
Details of 29. until 35.:
The number of toddlers in question was the number of toddlers who are in Dinas Kesehatan (Health Agency) coverage area concerned.
The number of children from 12 to 59 months is the number of children from 12 to 29 months in the area of Puskesmas coverage concerned.
The number of children Aged 12 to 59 months with KMS (K) is the number of children from 12 to 59 months who have a KMS.
The number of children Aged 12-59 months who have weighed in (D) is the number of children from 12 to 59 months old who weighed.
Number of children 12-59 months that Bodyweight Score (N) is the number of children from 12 to 59 months who have experienced weight gain.
Number of children 12-59 months who received high doses of Vitamin A are children from 12 to 59 months who received high doses of Vitamin A in Puskesmas Aide are concerned.
The number of Toddlers with poor nutrition per Age (W for A) is the number of children aged 12-59 months were malnutrition based on the weight according to the age with Z-Score is< -3, and accompanied by clinical signs (kwashiorkor, marasmus, kwashiorkor marasmus-).
The number of Toddlers with poor nutrition per Height (W for H) is the number of children from 12 to 59 years are malnutrition according to the weight (W) and height (TB) with the Z-score < -3, and or with clinical signs (marasmus, kwasiorkor, and marasmus-kwasiorkor).