Question pretext
Health State Descriptions Time Begin
Now I would like to review different functions of your body. When answering these questions, I would like you to think about the last 30 days, taking both good and bad days into account. When I ask about difficulty, I would like you to consider how much difficulty you have had, on an average, in the past 30 days, while doing the activity in the way that you usually do it. By difficulty I mean requiring increased effort, discomfort or pain, slowness or changes in the way you do the activity. Please answer this question taking into account any assistance you have available.
Interviewer instructions
This question refers to moving around using assistive devices or personal help that is usually in place. It includes moving around both inside the house, from room to room and within rooms, and outside the house. If the respondent lives in a house with multiple floors, this question also includes getting from one floor to another as needed. The intent of this question is to give an idea of a person’s mobility. Someone who has problems moving inside the house is likely to have problems outside the house.
Read and show scale to respondent.