Interviewer instructions
“Current Job” means any activity of more than one hour that the person engaged in for pay during the last two weeks. If the person is engaged in more than one kind of "job" during the last two weeks (e.g. sold home-made food on the street part of the time and worked in a factory sewing shirts at other times), then the individual should be asked to indicate the activity from which they derived the most income.
All people who receive pay from the government should be listed as government employees. All others who receive pay from an employer should be listed as nongovernment employees. List as “Self-Employed” anyone who earns an income from activities that do not involve hiring people from outside the household. “Employer” refers to anyone who earns their income in activities that include hiring and paying anyone from outside the household. More specifically:
• Govt Employee:
An individual who is hired by a government office or agency and paid a salary or wage. This includes employees of federal, state, or municipal governments and their agencies, parastatal enterprises, and semi-autonomous institutions such as social security institutions that are owned by the government or institutions like religious schools if the staff are paid by the government.
• Non-Govt Employee:
An individual who is hired to work and is paid a salary or wages. This includes any employees not working for the government.
• Self-Employed:
An individual who produces goods for sale or earns an income through provision of services to different people or firms. The individual works alone or with intermittent assistance from others, but does not employ anyone for a paid wage or salary on a regular basis.
• Employer:
An individual who earns an income through business activities, whether production of goods or provision of services, and employs anyone on a regular basis who is paid a salary or wages.
If Not working for pay: Go toQ1014