Private Household was defined as
(1) a group of two or more persons who made common provision for food and other essentials of living. Members might pool their income and had a common budget to a greater or lesser extent. They might be related by blood, marriage or adoption, or unrelated. Unrelated boarders or lodgers; living with a household but not paying for living quarters and/or meals, and servants without their families; living with a household and receiving food, clothing and housing as part of wages or free, were counted as household members.
Unrelated boarders or lodgers with or without their families; living with a household but paying for living quarters and/or meals, were treated as separate households.
(2) Each memer of a group of unrelated persons, not excedding five person, living together, sharing lodging and meals, were treated as one-person household.
(3) A person who made provision for his own food and other essentials of living without having common housekeeping or financial arrangement with other person, was treated as one-person household.