Interviewer instructions
5.3.15: Item 20 : whether the household moved or not :
It is to be ascertained from each sample household whether the entire household has moved from a different place during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey, to the sample village/own of enumeration. If the answer is in the affirmative, code 1 will be recorded against this item. If the answer is in the negative, code 2 will be recorded. It may be noted that any movement irrespective of the reason will be considered for making entry against this item. In some cases, on member of the household might have moved first and the other members might have joined/him her later. Such a movement will also be considered as movement of the household for making entry against this item. It may so happen that in certain cases, some addition to the household by way of births, marriages etc. might have taken place after the movement. Even then the entered household would be considered to have moved to the place of enumeration.