Question pretext
WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS:A household is defined as a person or a group of persons, who live together in the same house or compound and share the same house-keeping arrangements and recognise one person as the head. In general, a household consist of a man, his wife, children and some other relatives or a house help who may be living with them. However, it is important to remember that members of a household are not necessarily related (by blood or marriage) because non-relatives (e.g. house helps) may form part of a household.
Now, I would like you to give me the names of all the members of the household.
We would like the names of all people who were members of the household for at least three months in the past 12 months. And if the head of the household or his spouse(s) have any other biological children under the age of 18, we would also like the names of those children as well. [INTERVIEWER: START WITH THE RESPONDENT, THEN THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD, THE WIFE/WIVE(S) OF THE HOUSEHOLD HEAD, CHILDREN AND OTHER ADULTS AND THEN THE OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS. MAKE SURE TO LIST ALL PERSONS IN THE HOUSEHOLD, INCLUDING THE PRIMARY RESPONDENT].