
Showing 1-4 of 4
Journal Article
Singh, E, JM Underwood, C Nattey, C Babb, M Sengayi, and P Kellett. "South African National Cancer Registry: Effect of withheld data from private health systems on cancer incidence estimates." SAMJ: South African Medical Journal 105, no. 2 (2015): 107-109.
Journal Article
Babb, Chantal, Margaret Urban, Danuta Kielkowski, and Patricia Kellett. "Prostate cancer in South Africa: pathology based National Cancer Registry data (1986-2006) and mortality rates (1997-2009)." (2014) Prostate cancer.
Journal Article
Khalid, Fakhar, and Renee Babb. "Hazard and risk assessment from Hurricane Ivan (2004) in Grenada using Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing." Journal of Maps 4, no. sup1 (2008): 4-10.
Thesis or Dissertation
Babb, Courtney. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Latrine Intervention on Childhood Diarrheal Health in Nyando District." Masters of Science in Public Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016.
Showing 1-4 of 4