1Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, Anthea Jeffrey, Herma Forgey, Cheryl Chipps, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Mophuthing, and Andrea Helman. South Africa survey 1997/98.johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
9Barnes, Helen, Michael Noble, Chris Dibben, Charles Meth, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver. "South Africa microdata scoping study."Centre for the Analysis of South African Social Policy, University of Oxford, Working Paper no. 6 , no. 6 (2007).
29Forgey, Herma, Anthea Jeffrey, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Cheryl Smith, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Moputhing, Andrea Helman, Jean Redpath, and Tamara Dimant. South Africa survey 1999/ 2000.Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 2000.